


在当地制定的政策, 州级和国家级 have substantial impact on the health of individuals, 他们的家庭和社区. 回顾2019年, it’s clear that decisions at every level of government are important forces underlying each of the Foundation’s four 重点领域 ——倡导参与比以往任何时候都更加重要. 

与全州的合作伙伴进行协调, we have spoken out against a wave of proposed federal regulations that would make it more difficult for Coloradans living on low income to access vital health, 住房和营养服务. 单独, each would have a negative impact on people living on low income and those who have historically had less power and privilege. 累积起来,这种影响可能更加有害. 

These federal regulations risk the health of some Coloradans more than others. 以下是今年的一些严重问题:

  • 美国.S. Department of Commerce proposed adding a citizenship question to the 2020 U.S. 会妨碍准确统计的人口普查. We issued several comment letters and joined 30 philanthropic organizations to submit an 向美国提交的法庭之友简报.S. 最高法院 supporting a legal challenge to the inclusion of a citizenship question on the Census. 从那时起,美国就开始了.S. 最高法院阻止了这个问题的纳入. 了解人口普查如何影响科罗拉多人的健康.
  • 美国.S. Department of State issued a proclamation on immigrant health insurance coverage that would drastically limit the number of people able to obtain a green card, limit access to health coverage and create additional complexity in the U.S. 移民制度. 阅读我们的评论信
  • 如果得到实施,美国最近敲定的一项规定将对中国经济产生影响.S. Department of Agriculture that would change the eligibility criteria for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is estimated to cause 90,每年有1000名科罗拉多人失去营养. Additionally, Colorado would lose more than $20 million per year in economic activity. 阅读我们的评论信.
  • The Department of Health and Human Services’ proposal to alter nondiscrimination protections could limit access to health care services for people with limited English proficiency and the LGBTQ community. 阅读我们的评论信.

For details on the full list of regulatory threats we’re monitoring, 阅读基金会所有的评论信 并了解更多的威胁 安全网计划 影响运行状况(由 怀恩健康集团).  

那我们该怎么做呢? 2020年在当地肯定是多事的一年, 州级和国家级, and we remain committed to advancing and protecting policies that bring health in reach for all Coloradans. 

除了…之外 倡导资助机会,基金会发展了一个 年度政策议程 that serves as a roadmap for how we use our own voice to advocate for health equity. 2020年,我们将:

  • 倡导有利于低收入人群的政策, 移民, 难民, 有色人种, LGBTQ Coloradans and people with disabilities to meet their health care, 住房和营养需求.
  • Improve resources for Coloradans living with mental health and substance use conditions through community-led, 本地政策解决方案.
  • Advocate for local, state and federal policies that ensure no Coloradan goes hungry.
  • Foster alignment among communities and state and local policymakers to ensure every Coloradan has stable, 无障碍及经济适用房.
  • Support a complete count of all people in Colorado in the 2020 Census.
  • 支持创造更多公平的财政政策, accountability and transparency in how state and local governments generate and spend tax revenues.
  • Advocate for services and supports that foster healthy social-emotional development and resiliency of young children.

这张倡导优先事项的清单并不详尽, and we intend to be nimble in response to the unpredictable nature of our political landscape. We’re constantly listening to become aware of – and responsive to – other equity-related challenges affecting Coloradans’ health. 

除了总统选举, as one of only 14 states that allows citizen-led initiatives to go directly to the ballot, we expect 2020 to be a year when Colorado voters will have the opportunity to determine the outcome of several policies through local and state ballot measures. The 2016 election cycle provided an opportunity to learn how advocates can successfully use ballot measures as a tool for policy change. Check out the findings from our evaluation of how to organize state and local ballot measure campaigns.

We have a long-standing commitment to 政策宣传 at the Foundation, and an unwavering pledge to serve Coloradans who are living on low income and who have historically had less power or privilege. In the coming year, we will continue to listen and learn from a diversity of voices across the state. We are grateful for and inspired by the incredible partners who join us in our advocacy efforts to ensure public policy supports greater health equity for all.



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