
Families Belong Together: Separation Endangers any Chance for Lifelong 健康


The image of a crying 2-year-old girl whose mother is being searched and detained near the Mexican border in Texas has become 一个标志性的符号 这周很多人都看到了家庭分离的重演.

The gut-wrenching 听起来 of children crying while being separated from their migrant parents has been 通过媒体进行宣传 and directly to our ears through television, computers and our phones and tablets. 在一次录音中, 你可以听到孩子们喘气的声音, 他们用西班牙语为父母哭泣和尖叫. 听到这个消息我的心都碎了. 

The health of a child is critically shaped through the nurturing experience of trusted adults. 小孩子尤其需要马厩, responsive relationship experience with a caring adult from the start. 然而,, 此时此刻, the future health of those children we have seen and heard the past few days is endangered because of this trauma they are experiencing. 正如一个标题所指出的那样,将孩子与父母分开是:有毒压力的配方.”

几天前, an executive order reversed the policy of separating migrant children from their families. However, there is still no clear process for reuniting families who are already separated. 超过2300名儿童被拆散 他们从5月5日起就离开了父母. 目前还不清楚这些家庭何时能团聚, 目前还不清楚这种压力会持续多久. 更毁灭性的影响可能还会出现,因为 提议修改公共收费移民政策 could affect immigrants who are applying for a green card through a family-based petition and unnecessarily disrupt access to health care, 食物和其他对保持健康必不可少的东西触手可及.

Any child who experiences trauma repeatedly or for a prolonged period of time will likely experience toxic stress, 哪些会对身心健康造成持久的伤害. That is why the Colorado 健康 Foundation intentionally focuses on this aspect of early childhood social-emotional development within our 组织策略. We aim to ensure that young children have the opportunities to develop social-emotional skills and the resiliency they need to live healthy lives. That takes at least one caring adult in their life at every moment – a parent or guardian they trust and know is there for them.

As the leader of a philanthropic organization focused on bringing health in reach for all Coloradans, it is part of our role in the community and in the field of philanthropy to speak out on issues like this that directly impact the health of our most vulnerable.

Every child – no matter where they are born – deserves the opportunity to be cared for at the most vulnerable time of their lives. 在科罗拉多州, we know immigrants already living here are facing the same challenges as those in the Border States. 根据落基山移民倡导网络(RMIAN), 该组织有, 在过去的几周里, “met with dozens of parents at the Aurora immigration detention center who came to the United States seeking protection, 然后被残忍地与自己的孩子分开, 有些只有5岁.”

在我们的核心,我们认为健康是一项基本人权 每一个人 应该有机会拥有他们健康所需的一切. The Foundation provides funding to many organizations fighting for the health of immigrant communities in Colorado. In fact, I am proud to share that we have recently donated funds to both RMIAN and the 正义与仁慈法律援助诊所 为我们州的移民社区提供必要的法律支持. 我们也 support those communities, alongside others in the philanthropic community, by calling for policies that reflect America’s founding principles and honor the tradition of welcoming those who seek a better life.

但捐款和声明只能帮到我们这么多. We should have zero-tolerance for children facing the dangers of toxic stress and growing up without the chance to be healthy. 在这个时刻,任何形式的故事都很重要. We should not turn our eyes and ears away from the reality of the trauma these families are experiencing. 它们是真理. In fact, stories in all forms are our most important currency at a time like this. They help us to highlight those who are invisible and ensure anyone being unfairly and inhumanely treated is not forgotten.

The 2-year-old girl crying for her mother in the now famous image… she is from Honduras. According to the photographer, John Moore, she and her mother had been on the road for a month. 在《365bet官网中文登陆》发表的一篇报道中, Moore shared that he accompanied the two for a few moments while they were searched and until they both stepped into a border patrol van and departed. 他永远不会知道他们的命运. 但他——以及我们所有人——担心他们被分开了.*

不管付出什么代价, 这些图片, 听起来, stories and experiences must remain on the front line of our efforts to ensure that immigrant communities are given a fair, 人类有机会过上更好的生活.

更新: The Foundation, alongside more than 200 philanthropic organizations across the country, recently 签署联合声明 支持移民权利.

*自这篇博文发布以来, we have learned that the young Honduran girl was not separated from her mother. 此更新由 ABC新闻 以及其他几家媒体.


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