

有问题? 请联系您的项目官员获取更多信息.


在基金会, we recognize the critical need to honor young people and offer spaces that support ongoing growth and development in the face of various challenges, 包括大流行的影响, 社区暴力和歧视. The experiences of living with the traumatic consequences of persistent systemic oppression can lead to higher rates of anxiety, 有色人种青年的抑郁和自杀倾向-阿拉伯/中东, 亚洲/太平洋岛民, 黑色/非裔美国人, 西班牙/ Latinx, 土著/美洲原住民, multiracial communities – and youth who identify as LGBTQ when compared to white, 顺性别和异性恋同龄人. 此外, they are less likely to have access to culturally relevant supports; yet, often demonstrate astounding resiliency in the face of mental health challenges.

Through our Supporting Healthy Minds and Youth Resiliency funding opportunity, the Foundation will support youth of color and youth who identify as LGBTQ (age 12 - 18) as they explore and grow their resiliency through 身份, 代理与归属.

身份, 代理与归属 help youth develop personal and interpersonal capacities, 比如与同龄人和成年人的关系发展, 解决问题, 批判性思维, sense of awareness and sense of self – all of which are critical to strengthening resiliency and coping.

建议的计划和/或项目必须反映 基金会的基石. These outline who we serve, how our work is informed and our intent to create 卫生公平

有问题? We’re here to talk through your ideas and encourage you to connect with us before applying for funding. 如果你还没有和项目官员一起工作,请通过 email or by phone at 303-953-3600, and be sure to note the county you work in and area of interest.

Si necesita acceder la solicitud de fondos en español, por favor contáctenos a (email保护)

To be considered for funding, organizations must meet the following criteria: 

  • Include the same group of young people and adults meeting over a sustained period of time to foster strong relationships and learning.
  • Support young people as they build their skills and/or develop in each of the following areas:
    • 种族、民族、性和/或性别的发展 身份.
    • 的示范 机构 通过行使权力和影响力表现出来的. This could take place through establishing and working toward personal goals, 告知程序元素, and/or pursuit of leadership and advocacy opportunities in the broader community.
    • 的经验 归属感 通过建立强大的, supportive relationships with peers and trusted adults and understanding themselves to be a valued member of their community.
  • 对参与小组的文化动态作出反应.e. programmatic components are designed or adapted to meet the needs of their context and the population served; organization’s staff bring lived and learned experiences to understand needs, identities and culture of participants; and organization has a history with and is trusted by participants, 谁在从事信息工作, 指导和/或帮助实施工作.

Organizations may seek up to two years of program or project support funding for maintenance, 加强或扩大符合上述标准的工作. 

The Foundation will be looking for ways applicants integrate their commitment to growing a sense of 身份, 青年在整个工作过程中的代理和归属. An array of youth programming will be considered, such as (but not limited to):

  • 公民参与和领导
  • 诗歌和艺术,包括治疗
  • 传统文化习俗
  • 户外探险
  • 学徒或工作技能培训
  • 社区服务

代理: Youth perceive and have the ability to employ their assets and aspirations to make or influence their own decisions about their lives and set their own goals, 以及根据这些决定采取行动,以达到预期的结果.

归属: Youth feel like valued members of the community and live in relationships that provide mutual support and care.

应对技能: Coping skills refers to ways in which we learn to deal with various stressors. 每个人应对压力的方式都不一样.

身份: 身份 refers to our sense of who we are as individuals and as members of social groups. Our identities are not simply our own creation: identities grow in response to both internal and external factors. 在某种程度上, 我们每个人都选择一个身份, 但身份也是由我们无法控制的环境力量形成的.

交集: 社会分类的相互联系的本质,如种族, 阶级和性别,因为它们适用于特定的个人或群体, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage.

韧性: Resilience refers to coping and functioning well despite adversity or trauma.

Grantees will be asked to report the number of unique individuals served by their program each year. This funding opportunity also includes additional evaluation activities conducted by an external evaluator. 我们预计这将需要受资助者和项目参与者的时间, 谁可能会被要求参加面试之类的活动, 调查, 等.

我们经常与第三方评估人员合作, contractors and other organizations over the course of our work with applicants and grantees. Your application and its attachments may be shared with these individuals or entities during the review process and grant cycle. All third-party organizations partnering with the Foundation have signed a confidentiality agreement and will not use or share the information for purposes outside of the scope of work specific to the grant application or grant award. 如果您有任何疑问或想了解更多信息,请发送email (email保护) 或致电303-953-3600我们的资助业务高级总监.

我们鼓励所有申请者 报名 in our grants management system one week in advance of submitting a grant application. 2023年6月15日前申请资助. 在截止日期(2月9日)之前提交的申请. 6月15日和10月15日. 15)直到截止日期过后才进行审核.

Si necesita acceder la solicitud de fondos en español, por favor contáctenos a (email保护)


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